We live out in the country so trick-or-treating isn't really very do-able. As a result, I am afraid that we tend to over do it for the kids for Halloween. The school has a party day, the PTO has a festival, the High School provides a safe spot, the church group get together and have a dinner and a trunk-or-treat, and the communities near by have several Halloween parties going on. I used to feel bad that the kids didn't get to do the whole trick-or-treating thing like I did as a kid but have found that they make off with a bigger haul than my husband or I ever did. LOL! I do try to limit what they get and usually end of thowing away a lot of it. I also funnel a lot of it into the treat box for good behavior and special jobs.
I do try to make the kids fun costumes each year. This year, with the help of my friend
Michelle, I made some really beautiful costumes for my girls. They are all Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit fans. My oldest wanted to be Aowen from Rohan and the other two wanted to be Hobbits. The costumes were really fun to make and I saved us big bucks. Each costume would have cost me $125 if I hadn't made them myself. They were really fun to do. They are very excited about wearing them to their class parties.

I am glad I won't have to be sewing anyone into their costumes right before the party.
Gorgeous costumes and your girls are beautiful!
What beautiful costumes you made for your girls. They look wonderful. I'm sure they'll treasure these costumes.
Wow! Those are simply gorgeous. And how lovely for them: dressup for years to come!
I found your blog through Rowena: isn't she wonderful? I am truly impressed at your Tolkien creatures.
Also found your blog through Rowena. (I'm pretty new at this myself.) And lovely costumes! Definitely hobbitish. :)
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