My girls and I had a crafting fix this week. I just have to post the fun things we made.
Sarah came to me and begged me to teach her how to make a Not So Sock Monkey. She loved little Ivan and wanted one she could have (sorry Ivan is mine). So I worked out the pattern for her and she did 99% of it by herself. I was very pleased with her work. Sarah is 9 now.
Well Hannah was so excited about what Sarah was doing so she begged me to let her make one too. I did and she did 75% of it all by herself. Keep in mind that Hannah is 4.
Here are their Monkey Sisters.

Here are their little curly tails.

Caroline started a monkey too but got tired of waiting for help and went off to play. She did make this for me this spring so I figured I would share it with you. I just love it. It is so like her.

Well I got bitten by the Crafty bug and had to make this little doll. Her name is Alice.

Sarah came to me and begged me to teach her how to make a Not So Sock Monkey. She loved little Ivan and wanted one she could have (sorry Ivan is mine). So I worked out the pattern for her and she did 99% of it by herself. I was very pleased with her work. Sarah is 9 now.
Well Hannah was so excited about what Sarah was doing so she begged me to let her make one too. I did and she did 75% of it all by herself. Keep in mind that Hannah is 4.
Here are their Monkey Sisters.
Here are their little curly tails.
Caroline started a monkey too but got tired of waiting for help and went off to play. She did make this for me this spring so I figured I would share it with you. I just love it. It is so like her.
Well I got bitten by the Crafty bug and had to make this little doll. Her name is Alice.
She is just too cute. I had a Raggedy Anne Doll when I was really little that one of my sisters made. I don't know what happened to it. I have always wanted another one. Now I have one.
I bought the pattern from Christine Zorn's Etsy Store HERE. She sells the pattern and finished dolls. I love the dolls with petals. You can also get her dolls at her Ebay store HERE.
Go check them out.
Ooohh.... I LOVE Alice! She is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!
I love her, I love her, I love her! That smile, those arms, those eyes. You did such a fantastic job, and of course your girls inherited your talents. Now, geez, I'm off to look at a doll pattern to add to my growing collection...
I have vague memories about make a rag doll for a sister. Do you remember which one of us gave it to you? I love the dolls and the creatings of your girls. They are fun.
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