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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mama Byrd Creations Dot Com

I am starting up a new Web Store Through Hyena Cart. It is called Mama Byrd Creations. I am pretty excited about it. This store will feature things that I make for Mamas and Children.
I will have
Bum Stuff
Baby Carriers
Baby Shoes
Hand Made Toys
And other Fun Stuff
I have hired a graphics designer to help me do it all.
Here are some of the Shoe that are going into the store.
White Shoe 1
My friend Coralee makes these and I sell them for her.
Brown Shoe 1
Jeddie has a pair of these and we love them. They are really soft yet really protect his feet.
The design is very authentic. They are made from deer hide. My site is still under construction so I might just put a pair in etsy and see how they go.


Kathy - Pink Chalk Studio said...

Congratulations on getting your store launched. I keep dragging my feet on putting anything out there so I'm always inspired when I see someone else doing it!

Lucy said...

Now I just need to get it stocked. That takes so much longer then I thought!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to find a pattern for the moccasin baby shoes would your friend sell the pattern. My daughter is having my first grandbaby and I want to make some for it. Thanks Cheryl

cherlyn said...

I am trying to find a pattern for the baby moccasin shoes your friend makes. My daughter is having my first grandbaby and I would like to make some for her.


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