The lovely ladies at Marie-Madeline Studios are giving away a pair of their new Tessa Bloomers and a matching bag.
You just have to go to their blog and follow their directions to leave a post and get counted. (be sure to mention that you came from here and that Lucy sent you so I can get an extra point.) :o)
You can also buy this pattern at their Etsy Shop.
DIY Twin Platform Bed
1 week ago
I signed up for the garden apron swap, but didn't get the questionnaire. Is there any way you can get that to me?
Thank you!
I listened to your music for my whole lunch hour. Great selection, I excercised quick and then stretched, then just sat and listened with my eyes closed. Thanks for taking the time to add this great mix of tunes to your site.
I'm new to your blog. A friend of mine had a link on her blog to yours for a 24 Days of Christmas Story. I was really excited to see ideas for 24 Days of Christmas. I seem to only be able to find two days on your blog though. I would love to get all 24 Days. I know that's probably a good time investment, so I understand if you can't get all 24 days up. But, I just wanted you to know that someone is interested if you ever feel the desire. :) Great blog, by the way. It's quite fun!
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