Last night for our big family gathering I bought buckets of vanilla ice cream and wanted to try the Magic Shell recipe at Skip To My Lou. It looks so lovely and chocolaty BUT last night I needed the Hot Fudge Sauce to do what Hot Fudge sauce can do and I wasn't sure it Magic shell would cut it so I fell back on my old favorite. hee hee So here it is so you can celebrate National Ice Cream Month for your self.
Aunt Lucy's Hot Fudge Sauce
1/4 cup butter
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 (5 oz can) of evaporated milk (can use whole milk if you have to)
3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Boil the butter, sugar and milk together for about 6 to 8 minutes. Watch it so it doesn't boil over. That is the worst mess ever and a very sad waste.
Remove from heat and add the chocolate chips and stir till smooth.
If there are any leftovers, store in an air tight container in the fridge.
*** Variation ***
I like to add about 1/4 cup peanut butter to the sauce right before I add the chocolate chips. That is most tasty on vanilla ice cream, let me tell you!!!
Some of my friends and family have asked for this recipe and so I am posting it here. Well you can't post without a picture so I had to dish some up this afternoon so there would be a picture and you don't put your best stoneware bowls your big brother makes for you in the freezer. SO..... I had to take one for the team and eat it. I wanted you to know how much I DO sacrifice for you, my loyal peeps.
yumm! :) sounds great, and the variation too!
yes, it was good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i ate way to much!!!!
Yes it is very tasty. I had some on a brownie too. Don't forget to post the buttermilk syrup too. It's like liquid caramel.
The bowls are just as lovely as the fudge sauce, where could one purchase said bowls?
Ah I forgot to post the link to my brother's bowls. You can see is creations at http://www.horseshoemountainpottery.com/joe/gallery.php You can find his contact information there and email him about his pots.
That looks delicious! I love your blog. I stop by often and just listen to the music.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa is all I can say. That and after licking the spoon, said wonderful!!!!!!!
Delicious. I've made it twice, first with 2% milk and then with evaporated milk. Although it was good with the 2% it was heavenly when I actually used the right ingredients. Wow! I love the glossy texture as well as the taste. Thanks so much for posting the recipe!
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