One of my bestest frineds at Quilt Guild brought in this quoat for us. We all laughed so hard we were dieing. It was great!
Does this describe your preparations for sewing time?!?!?

(an excerpt from: Singer Sewing Guild: A Complete Reference Guild to Sewing first published in 1949)
"When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness. Have on a clean dress. Be sure your hands are clean, fingernails smooth --a nail file and pumice will help. Always avoid hangnails. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine where you can pick it up and dust your fingers at intervals. This not only absorbs the moisture on your fingers, but helps to keep your work clean. Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on with care. Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing, because if you are making something for yourself, you will try it on at intervals in front of your mirror, and you can hope for better results when you look your best.
Again, sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should. Therefore, “spruce up” at the beginning so that you are free to enjoy every part of any sewing you do. "
I have not laughed so hard in months! French chalk? Maybe some French Chocolate. My favorite is the "... you can hope for better results when you look your best." Hey when I am in my sewing room in full sewing mode, I don't care who comes to the door, they better not bother me. hee hee
I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did!
OK OK!!! This post deserves a give away. I don't know what yet, I will think of something tomorrow but post your comments. I what to hear you all giggling. I will pick a lucky giggler and send her something really fun. You have until next Thursday to post a response and let me know your favorite bit.
Ok I have a plan and it is coming together so here is a hint as to part of the give away.
Does this describe your preparations for sewing time?!?!?

(an excerpt from: Singer Sewing Guild: A Complete Reference Guild to Sewing first published in 1949)
"When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness. Have on a clean dress. Be sure your hands are clean, fingernails smooth --a nail file and pumice will help. Always avoid hangnails. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine where you can pick it up and dust your fingers at intervals. This not only absorbs the moisture on your fingers, but helps to keep your work clean. Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on with care. Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing, because if you are making something for yourself, you will try it on at intervals in front of your mirror, and you can hope for better results when you look your best.
Again, sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should. Therefore, “spruce up” at the beginning so that you are free to enjoy every part of any sewing you do. "
I have not laughed so hard in months! French chalk? Maybe some French Chocolate. My favorite is the "... you can hope for better results when you look your best." Hey when I am in my sewing room in full sewing mode, I don't care who comes to the door, they better not bother me. hee hee
I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did!
OK OK!!! This post deserves a give away. I don't know what yet, I will think of something tomorrow but post your comments. I what to hear you all giggling. I will pick a lucky giggler and send her something really fun. You have until next Thursday to post a response and let me know your favorite bit.
Ok I have a plan and it is coming together so here is a hint as to part of the give away.
My niece Rebecca and I came up with this give away. A wonderful red lipstick is the perfect give away to help you "make yourself as attractive as possible" hee hee. And Rebecca assures me that this Apple Berry lipstick is one that is designed to look good with all skin types. What is even better is that when you buy a Apple Berry lipstick from now till December something they will give all of the profits to the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation. They provide monies to breast caner research and to break the cycle which fights domestic violence.
So the give away is a lovely Apple Berry Lipstick and some French Mint Chocolates from my good friend Rachel's Bakery Shop AND a little sewing treat, all to fit in a lovely Mary Kay bag.
You get an entry for posting here and you can get an additional entry for the drawing by going to Rebecca's Mary Kay site and registering there.
thanks... that gave me a little giggle!! :D
I don't think I'd fit in with 1950's sewing - I wear my pj's to sew and sometimes all day... hehehe
Well, I look a bit scary when I sew. No make-up, wearing my p.j's for example.
Oh I go the apron pattern and I can't wait to make it.
Oh. My. God. Hilarious. My favorite part? The "constantly fearful" of the husband coming home... too, too, funny. Thanks for the laugh! By the way, I like the new blog look!
That was the best laugh I've had in a long time. Oh my goodness, I've been known to sew in my underwear - easier to try the outfit on!!!
usually it's PJ's - I go for comfort.
I am still laughing about this! When I sew I end up with string pieces and fabric scraps all over me. I read this to my husband and when he stopped laughing and holding his side he said "well what is wrong with that?" I think that tomorrow I am going to get all dressed up for when he gets home, and of course be sitting at my sewing table. This is SO funny!
I ALWAYS put on a dress to sew, don't you. One must always look their best. (*Sarcasm off*) Seriously!! I don't even wear a skirt all day on Sunday, let alone a whole dress!! LOL I need full comfort to truely enjoy sewing!! If I am worried about "breaking a nail" or smudging my makeup... what's the point. AND WHO exactly is going to "drop by" here in Africa?? Just checking....
What a hoot, I'm lucky if I even get the PJ's on, I do my sewing at 5AM, before I have to get the dog and family up for the day then go to work. Thank God no one can see me, but then again maybe that is why my sewing isn't perfect! Maybe I need a personal Assistant to dress me properly and a stylist for my hair and makeup so my quilts will be ribbon worthy at the next quilt show! Now I know the secret, watch out.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
OMG...I wear pj's to sew in most of the time too! I guess the 2008 versions would have a mom on it in her pj's and a headband on her head trying to make her snarly teen stand still. *snickers*
Plus, once I got down on the floor like would not be pretty to watch me trying to get up.
That pic is too funny!
This reminds me of the The Good Wife's Guide"! This is actually better though! I look like a wreck when I sew! Er, especially after a long session, lol.
I like "Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing, will try it on at can hope for better results when you look your best". hehehe
My favorite is where it says, "have on a clean dress." If I waited until I had n a clean dress to do anything, I would never get a thing done!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I had a roommate that had a copy of a book called 'The Fascinating Girl'. It was pretty much just like this. My favorite part (as a Biology major) was when it told me I could excel at 'feminine subjects' like english and history but not 'masculine subjects' like science and math because that would make the boys around me feel bad and then they wouldn't want to marry me. I would be interested to hear if anyone had a copy of this still lying around. PS my roommate read it seriously- she said some of it was a little silly but overall she thought it was very informative. FOR REAL!!!
I think the picture is sooooo funny! My daughters never looked like that when I was pinning their hems! It was, "Hold still, keep your arms straight, look right ahead of you, don't move, I'm almost done, turn just a little, HOLD STILL!!!!!"
The apron is rather fun all the same.
I like that portrait on the shelf in the background. She might be part of the Sewing Police.
I am so glad to finally find out what I am doing wrong when I sew!!!!
I don't have any powder or lipstick, so I guess I will run to Wal-Mart this morning and get some.
Now I will sew masterpieces instead of spending the day ripping out seams!!
I love your blog, Lucy!
Oh my word, I nearly snorted coffee all over my keyboard! That's too funny. I'm also guilty of the sewing-in-my-underwear approach when I'm making garments for myself. Although my husband actually prefers that to the neatly put together look... ;o)
That is really funny! I saw that one a while back in a quiltshop newsletter. Wow! If I did things that way I'd never get any sewing done. heehee!!
well, i will try to improve my sewing by improving my appearance. that is more than hilarious. if my husband came home and i was "put together" he would wonder if i had killed the children.
How funny is that???!! Darn, I need to sew and the only dress I have is the one with the oil on it from when I changed the oil in the car...whatever will I do???
NO way! That is a riot! Sweats work great for me! I'd never even get to the sewing if I had to spruce up! hee-hee!
I like the "Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness." Wow, that's what I've been missing my WHOLE LIFE!! Thanks for sharing.
I don't think I even own a dress anymore. LOL too funny thanks for the share.
I do love this! Coincidentally I was leafing through my copy of "Better Home Making" (c.1950) tonight. It contains some additional gems such as When you are born you have the face God gave you. When you die you have the face you gave yourself and Its hard for even the most tolerant eye to overlook spotty skin, bad posture, dreary expressions and lank hair.
Yup, its a good thing no-one watches while I sew! Now where's that lipstick ...
Wow. It always amazes me that we used to think like When I sew...sweat pants, t-shirt, hair thrown up in a bun with loose ends all over the place. It definitely isn't peaceful with the cat trying to lay in my sewing machine, and my husband with the TV blaring. I wonder if I should take some of that article to heart....
OK right now it is 11:30 AM I am still in my pj's (because I don't have to work today). My hair is sticking out all over (cuse I'm still in my pj's). I think I'll go get cleaned up so I can sew. I guess I can ignore the mess I call a sewing room if I only look like a million bucks. I was going to clean house today but if all I have to do is put on a dress and comb my hair then I will sew every day.
So if you're sewing an apron, does that mean you have to toss flour across your face, dip your hands in molasses, and stick a wooden spoon in your hair?
I did enjoy that as much as you did. What a funny read! Oh how times have changed.
I love it I sould have been a women of the 40's and 50's... I always look my best when I sew!! HEEEE HEEE..
Heck I look my best all the time why see me right now. Driping with sweat from a good work . But I have my dimonds and pearls on. LOL
Just found your blog because i got a sewing machine for my birthday and i have to figure out how to use it... didn't know it was so much work to get ready! i dont even prepare that much for work! :P
i remember reading something similar for greeting your husband when he gets home from work. Supper must be ready, but able to wait in case he doesn't want it right away. Look good. Take his coat, shoes, give him a drink, cigar, paper.. Make sure the kids are quiet and not bothering him.. etc. hilarious!
my co-worker just told me her mother was told to clean the stove each time she used it. HA!
I'm always fearful that my husband will see me when I'm not at my best. I've been able to keep my dark side hidden for 7 years. Of course, I only sew after having filed my nails...
So I guess I am not supposed to sew in my pj's with my hair a ratty mess!
Now I know where I've been going wrong. I never look my best when I'm sewing. Now where did I put my lippy. Must keep some beside the french chalk (gag!).
My favorite part: When you sew, make yourself as attractive AS POSSIBLE.
Well, that's my out. I can only do so much!!! And isn't less more?
Of course if my hubby came home to me all dolled up, he'd say, "Where's Sancho!?!"
That is just abou the funniest thing I have ever read about sewing. If those ladies came to my house when I was sewing they would need a fainting couch!
hilarious! think of the time wasted in beautification that could be spent at the machine!
oops, my link didn't save! :)
I guess I've been doing it wrong all these years! I prefer to sew in my jammies, with a diet Dr Pepper near by.
I guess I'd better go hop in the shower... Now I know why my grandma never did ANYTHING unless her hair (I mean wig), nails, dress, shoes, etc. were perfect... It took her 45 minutes just to get ready to go out for groceries! She's probably shaking her head at me right now. :)
Actually, dresses are more comfy than sweats for me. I think they are cooler (as in temperature, not fashion). But then, I'm 8 months pregnant and it's August and I am living in a moo-moo.
thanks for sharing this, it made me laugh too, *sigh* the 50's
What a hoot! I haven't had lipstick on in years! Guess I could look around for panty hose.............
I think if I "spruced up" to indulge in my creative endeavors my husband would probably believe I was "having an affair" with my sewing machine and fabric stash. Which is mostly true...I just dress in lounge pants to throw him off the trail! =)
Omgosh! How on earth did our mothers/ grandmothers survive? lol Me personally, always, ok, usually try to have makeup on to look normal! But I do it for myself, not my hubby and not anyone else! lol That is just too funny!!!!! I am with you, if I am busy sewing, just dont bother me!!! lol Thanks so much for sharing!!!! =]
I just went to Rebecca's MK site and registered with her! =]
Am I ever glad I skated to your site today! Now I know why I don't enjoy sewing as much as I could/should. I simply don't prepare myself properly. Thank you, Lucy. Thank you for this fabulous public service you've done. Now I have to run and find the perfect chemise, nylons and pumps for a marathon sewing session. Must not forget the apron!!
susan dot baum at hotmail dot com
That's so funny. I sit here at my desk at dawn, in my tracky daks (that's Australian for sweat pants), but apparently I had better not go near my sewing machine looking like this! I especially love the part about being 'fearful' that the old husband might come home and see one not 'neatly put together'. Ha!
Man, my sewing area is the messiest place in the living room and I am usually up late sewing and start early after dropping kids off. I don't really think it matters how I look, I want what I am sewing to be the spiffed up one and than I will be proud. But if I win I promise to wear your lipstick faithfully every time I sew.
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