I figured I had better post this before I lose the recipe again. (I post a lot of my favorites here so I can find them when I want them again.)
Popcorn balls
2 big batches of popcorn (that is about 3/4 to 1 cup of kernels popped in an air popper or a stir crazy popper)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
40 marshmallows (regular size not mini marshmallows)
vanilla (or other flavoring you like)
Pop your pop corn and get the unpopped kernels out.
Melt the butter and sugar together in a large pot.
Bring to a boil.
Add the marshmallows and heat until melted.
Remove from heat and add about a teaspoon of vanilla. Orange flavoring is my favorite. You can also add some food coloring drops if you want. We added red and yellow for classic orange popcorn balls.
Pour over the popped corn and stir quickly to evenly coat.
Butter your hands lightly and start forming the mass into balls.
To store, wrap in plastic wrap.
Edited to add:
We made this again this week and added a blob of molasses when we were boiling the sugar and butter. It was about 2 to 4 Tbsp. of molasses.
OH MY it was wonderful. Very carmely gooey, chewiness.
ooooooo, thanks for the recipe! I'll give it a whirl this weekend!
silly question ~ is that mini marshmallows or the regular size? Can't wait to try them!
Oh my goodness. Those look so good!
Oh sorry, that would be regular sized marshmallows not mini.
Your popcorn ball looks positively yummy! I can't wait to try making some with my children. I found your website while searching for some apron patterns.
That's not why I'm posting though... I just wanted to say how much I love the songs you have on your website. Normally I'm not a fan of music on websites... but your selection has my children and I enthralled. I've been adding almost every song to itunes.
Well thank you. I kinda like the music too. My children helped me pick them out. We have a very eclect taste in music, some fabulous some wierd. :o) Thanks for visiting and I am glad you liked your stay.
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