Ok so it has been one month since I posted my shame. It is time for me to post again and see where I have improved.
I tried to do the 15 minute per day thing and didn't do the best but I did try and steps forward are what matter.
Here are the shots again.
Front Door View
Help there is a child in there!! Oh wait the floor is clear so the child is safe to play while I sew. Never mind.
Back Door View
Kinda clean floor. Who knew there was carpet in there. Wow. Now to work on getting new flooring. ..... Carpet and stray threads don't mix well.
Cutting Table/Desk

I can actually cut out on that table now and sit at my desk and dream up projects!
Sewing Table

My mom discarded her old sewing table that she got a few years ago and let me have it. She got a new custom build job that allows her to have her sewing and computer at the same place.
Closet O' Crap

Do you know what is in there. NO because you can SHUT THE DOOR now. I did get all the 2000 pounds of wheat out of there into the newly finished storage room/safe room. I was then able to clear the floor and get that stuff into tubs stacked nice and neat in there.
Fabric Storage Shelves
Next project to tackle is this shelf. We will see what 15 minutes per day concentrated on that shelf gets us in one month.
Well I did come a long way but am no where near the end of this project. I want a clean, photo worthy studio when I am done. I WILL GET THERE!
One thing that I found was about a whole shelf worth of projects that need to be finished that I owe people. One problem I have is not being able to say no to people. I love doing things for other people but then I don't get to do things for my children and that is sad.
I finished up 21 diapers for my great nephew. It felt so great to get that off my conscience. I see those kinds of projects and know I need to do them but have a stack of things due today to do and they just get farther and farther behind and I feel worse and worse. So I am going to try to work my way through those projects and see if I can't track them on the sidebar or something. It would be nice to have the shelf space back for things I want to do! There are so many dresses and aprons in my head just waiting for free time to spill out onto paper and fabric and dance off on a life of their own. :o) Maybe to your house.... Maybe..... We will have to see what I can get done.
Goals for February.
- Keep up the 15 minutes of de-cluttering everyday.
- Start in with about 15 minutes everyday working on Guilt projects.
Before and so far pictures (we aren't to the after sage yet)

Thank you for all the comments of encouragement and shared shame in January. I want to see what you are doing. Post and let me know what you have accomplished.
Next month I want to lose a couple of hundred pounds of unwanted fabric. Stay tuned. I might have to do some tutorials for getting rid of things in a fun, re-purposed way and maybe liberate some of the good stuff and send it off to new homes where it will be loved and USED!!!
I almost forgot about the name of this post. The unfinished projects on my shelf are mostly quilting projects and my husband calls them quilt guilt. I also am in a quilt guild I started a few years ago and often misspell the word guild to guilt. :o)