Doesn't that look inviting???
I am a new Primary President in my ward (church unit) here in SW Missouri. One of my bestest friends in the whole world has been called to be our Girl's Activity Day leader. Miss Jill has so many fabulous plans for these girls. I have to admit that I have a vested interest in her plans as two of my own daughters are in this fabulous group of girls age 8 to 11.
Twice a month these little girls meet with Miss Jill and as many helpers and she can pull in, to learn about Jesus Christ and how to be the wonderful women we know they will become.
The other half of our program is the cub scouts. Those little boys get to meet every week with their lovely blue uniforms, they get to have pack meeting once a month that is just about them, and they get to go to scout camp every summer. As the mother of two boys I think this program is fantastic, however, the little girls tend to get lost in the shuffle and wonder about their value.
Our last leader did a fantastic job with these girls. Now miss Jill is on board and we are so excited about her plan. She wants to instill in these little ones their value in the grand plan we have here on Earth. So we decided to give these little girls a uniform. We (Jill and I and several ladies in the Relief Society group and church) made up some of my double sided, Sassy Little Aprons for them. The are simply darling!
Why aprons? Well because the girls love them, aprons are the coolest things ever, and because of what aprons represent. Aprons are the uniforms that we as women choose to put on as we pledge to serve and protect our families. Most of these girls are going to grow up to be moms. That is a noble thing. Good mothers is something we need to be creating more of in this world of ours; Women of faith, intelligence, and purpose. I hope these girls grow up to be many wonderful things someday and expect my own three girls to get good educations. I also hope that they are good homemakers to boot.
So this year Miss Jill is planning all kinds of wonderful activities that will help teach these girls so many things about themselves and life.
The aprons are just one fun things that we have planned. As more of these activities happen, I will post some of her great ideas.
The aprons came with this lovely invitation.

At the meeting Jill introduced herself to the girls. They learned to make Pizza from scratch and a treat (rice crispies). She said that she wants them to learn how to make several dishes that they can fix all my themselves at home. They get to copy these lovelies down in their own little cookbooks. I am so excited for my Little Women, I can hardly stand it. :o) They are also so excited and have talked about nothing else all week.
Oh, I almost forgot, Jill told me yesterday and she is going to call the girls her "Little Women" after the book and they will call themselves "The Little Women's Club."
Coming up later this month is a trip to the apple orchard, apple dumplings, sewing drawstring bags and more fun! I can't wait.
What a fun thing to be doing with these wonderful girls. I love the apron idea too.
That's it! We are going to HAVE TO move out there! Your Activity Days is WAY cooler than ours out here! JEALOUS!!
We all need a woman like that in our lives don't we! How cool and how exciting!
What timing--I just got called to do Activity Days in my home ward. I also have a calling in a BYU ward, so I am busy.
I just love the apron idea (how about a picture)
I will look forward to seeing more ideas for these precious girls.
Oh, by the way your Dad taught us at BYHigh. What fun it was to come across your blog. I was in the same class as your sister Kathy. Also I have many of Joe's pots in my home.
I am so thrilled you told me you went to BYHigh. My dad would have loved that and would have had to have know your name immediately and when you were there. :o) He sure loved teaching there.
What awesome activity days ideas!! ANd I notice you meet from 4 until 5. That would be sooo great. We meet from 6:30 to 7:30.
Tired girls, especially the ones that live an hour away!
What a cool group! Maybe I can start a chapter here...
So wonderful! So many times the activity days leaders seem to just throw together activities to fill the time. I love the theme, aprons, and dedication of your friend. I wish my daughter was in her group! :-)
Every girl (esp. ages 8-11) needs that kind of leader. They will have so much fun. Thanks for posting the idea and I look foward to seeing more. I need ideas in case I ever get called to help the Activity Day girls. Acutally, I was in it for only 2 months and LOVED it.
So, I've been blessed to be leader of our (Catholic) Little Flowers group and I have used your apron idea, instead of their sashes. So, thanks for that. I ordered your pattern for the child's apron. If you'd like to post more on this, I will follow closely. The first month we will be making no sew fleece baby blankets to donate to charity. My girls ages are roughly 4-8. Thanks for sharing the Love! :)
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