My little brother and his wife just had their third baby this past week. She is a beautiful angel. She also has Trisomy 18. It is important to get information out there about Trisomy 18. You can't change anything about it but you can be informed. The information out there can give comfort to families that are blessed with these pure sweet babies.
You can read little Josephine's sweet story here. I first read about Trisomy 18 at Diamonds, Fur, and Laundry. She shared her sweet story of William there.
DIY Wood Console Table
2 days ago
It is amazeing that when something like this happens to us or someone we love that we have bloggy friends and the internet to help answer qustions for us..
Thanks for spredding the word on T-18..
Bryan filled me in Saturday night. Hope everything goes ok, know something like this has to be rough. Thier in Erin's and my thoughts.
What a beautiful little baby girl. God Bless them for their unwavering love and dedication to her...she is certainly a wonderful gift.
Thank you. Her story really is quite beutiful. The whole family is blessed by her courage and her spirit.
Prayers for them and their sweet girl.
Did you see the video tribute they played on Oprah for little Eliot? (Who also had Trisomy 18)
i want you to know that another blogger also lost a baby from her family this way. it is just heartbreaking.
the link is-
hugs, kim
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